Tallahassee is the most educated city in Florida and in the top 20 for most educated cities in the United States.
Tallahassee is the most educated city in Florida and the 15th most educated city in the nation (WalletHub). In fact, Tallahassee ranked ahead of other southeastern cities like Atlanta, GA, Asheville, NC, Richmond, VA and Charleston, SC.
From Pre-K programs to lifelong learning, education abounds in this capital city. While many are familiar with legendary Florida State University, Tallahassee is also home to Florida A&M University and Tallahassee State College, which creates a diverse and creative population. The students’ contributions in business, art, science and more benefits the entire region.
Additionally, as the state capital, there are an abundance of other educational resources available to citizens of this growing city. For families with young children, Tallahassee has many top ranked Pre-k programs. Adults over 50 enjoy taking university-level classes through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLi).
If you’re thinking of moving to Florida, consider Tallahassee, the most educated city in the state!
Tallahassee's Colleges & Universities

Florida State University

As one of the nation’s top research universities, Florida State University works to educate students in a number of areas, including technology, art, science, humanities, and more. A philosophy of learning is strongly rooted in FSU.
The university’s beautiful campus is located on the oldest continuous site of higher education in the state. For scholars looking for a university that embraces diversity, a thirst for knowledge, and an appetite for athletics, look no further than Florida State University.
Florida A&M University

For those students who want a challenging academic foundation, they will find it at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. FAMU offers 54 bachelor’s degrees, 29 master’s degrees, three professional degrees, and 12 doctoral programs across a number of academic areas.
The university values diversity and the proof is in the student body. There are almost 10,000 students from across the United States and 70+ countries, including multiple countries in Africa, the Bahamas, Brazil, Indonesia, China, and the United Arab Emirates.
FAMU maintained its ranking as the No. 2 public historically Black college and university (HBCU) and moved up two slots to No. 7 to remain among the top 10 public and private HBCUs in the nation, according to the 2020 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings.
Tallahassee State College

Tallahassee State College was founded in 1966 and has offered high-quality, post-secondary education for local, national, and even international students. The college is consistently ranked as one of the top community colleges in the nation. If you’re looking to further your education, consider TSC.
At TSC, you’ll find a diverse group of students, who participate in numerous extra-curricular activities including leadership roles, arts, and more. Students from all walks of life are encouraged to apply.
Early Childhood Education Programs
Questions about Pre-k and early childhood education programs in Tallahassee? Contact us.

Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend
Tallahassee parents looking to provide their children with the best foundation possible often turn to the Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend.
The Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend Region (ELC) is a non-profit organization that assists families, children, and child care providers by working collaboratively to help set children up for success in school and support families’ ability to work.
Florida Office of Early Learning
Another helpful resource for parents living in Tallahassee is the Florida Office of Early Learning. They work with partners across the state to deliver comprehensive early learning services to Florida families.
One benefit offered is the VPK program. It’s free to Florida residents who are 4 years old on or before September 1. Private child care centers, public schools and specialized instructional service providers often offer VPK. Parents have several programs to choose from: school-year, summer, and specialized instruction for children with disabilities. For more information, visit their website here.
Whole Child Leon
Whole Child Leon takes a holistic approach to nurturing babies and young children with a focus on the following 6 areas:
- Social/emotional
- Spiritual
- Economic
- Physical/mental
- Quality education
- Safe environment
Fun 4 Tally Kids
Besides state resources, there are a number of active parent groups in Tallahassee as well. One place to find resources and information is the Fun 4 Tally Kids website.This site includes everything from “the best parks for kids” to “the top Pre-k programs according to local parents.”
Tally Moms Stay Connected
Another great resource specifically created for Tallahassee mothers is the Tally Moms Stay Connected group on Facebook. With more than 12,000 local moms, this page is a great resource for any kid-related questions that may come up. You can request to join the page here.
K-12 Educational Resources

Leon County Schools
Tallahassee is part of the Leon County School System. LCS is responsible for providing education to 33,000+ students across 48 school and program sites. For more information about public schools in the capital city, visit the Leon County Schools website or check out some of the resources provided below.
Florida State University Schools
The mission of Florida State University Schools is to advance Florida’s K-12 education through exemplary teaching, research, and service. For more information, click here: https://www.fsus.school/Home.
FAMU Developmental Research School
FAMU Developmental Research School is committed to providing a quality education for students by promoting rigor and innovative strategies for teaching and learning. Click here for more information on how your child can benefit from their programs.

Continuing Education & Adult Education
Click the links below to explore continuing education and adult education opportunities available to residents living in Tallahassee, Florida (the most educated city in the state):
- Florida State University’s Learning for Life programs
- Florida A&M University’s Office of Continuing Education
- Tallahassee State College’s Adult Education opportunities
- The Adult & Community Education school
Lifelong Learning in the Most Educated City in Florida
Thinking of retiring to Tallahassee? We can answer your questions. Contact us!

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (or OLLi for short) offers classes targeted to adults 50 and up, who want to learn in a stress-free environment. Located on FSU’s beautiful campus, there are no tests or homework. Instead, the focus is providing engaging, educational content to those looking to expand their knowledge base.
Classes are taught by university staff. The program is supported through a 16-member volunteer board and a multitude of member volunteers. OLLi has been recognized by the Florida Legislature for its leadership in “engaging older Floridians and enriching lives.”
Tallahassee Senior Center
One of the draws for retirees to Tallahassee, the most educated city in Florida, is the Tallahassee Senior Center, which offers a variety of learning opportunities, recreational activities and games for active adults ages 50 and up.
For those who are interested in the pursuit of knowledge, there are a number of Lifelong Learning classes that are held at the Tallahassee Senior Center and neighborhood sites.
The cost per class is generally around $5. To get started, visit the Tallahassee Senior Center website today or stop by to fill out an application.